Sunday, March 30, 2008

you've got to be freaking kidding me

i was so good all winter long. i didn't get sick at all. i managed to avoid all the bronchitis, flu, pneumonia, and strep that was going around. i was so proud of myself for having the sense to get the flu vaccine.


now i have officially had TWO of the above diseases in the past WEEK. disease number 2: flu. so much for that painful day. GAH! now i just have to wait to be infected with pneumonia to complete the perfect trifecta of contagious diseases. i'd much rather get it over with now than later, so feel free to come cough on me at the pharmacy this week.

my white blood cells are going to get a stern talking to as soon as i can swallow something more than a popsicle.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

an oxycontin fun-filled day!

i want this sign hung up in my pharmacy.

"a lack of planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part."

if you're going to come get your girlfriend's oxycontin filled 10 minutes before we close, i don't want to have to wait 10 minutes after we're closed for your brother to bring the money to pay for it.

and if you can afford $630 worth of oxycontin, surely you can afford to go see a dentist every once in a while. at least 2 of the oxy patients i saw today had less than 10% of their teeth remaining. both also smelled strongly of cigarette smoke.

on a note to the purdue drug-whores, i can't believe you had the nerve to even step foot in a pharmacy, let alone try and push your "new and improved" 60 mg oxycontin tablets on us. it's because of your addiction-causing drugs that i'm forced to stay after closing hours 99% of the time. and i don't exactly appreciate the type of clientele the oxy scripts bring into us. i hope you choke on your own tablets.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

highlights from today

today a cute boy came into the pharmacy. and he DIDN'T get pain killers! just good old accutane. and he didn't even really have acne! no wedding ring either! eep! hopefully he'll come back in a month for refills and i'll be there again.

about 10 minutes to close, a lady called in saying that she was out of metformin and her blood sugar was high so she needed them refilled asap and she lived close by, so i told her it was okay and we'd get them ready for her. something about that statement didn't seem right, when i realized what it was. you don't take metformin when your blood sugar's high. it's not like insulin. but whatever. i ignored it and refilled it for her, just glad i wasn't staying after for some oxy-addict. about 2 minutes to close, my pharmacist came up to me after counseling a lady on xanax or something and told me that we already had a metformin refill ready for the lady who called me. she never picked it up last month. to which i loudly replied "well no wonder your blood sugar's high, if you're not taking your metformin regularly." my pharmacist then proceeded to inform me that the lady she had just counseled and who was still in hearing range was indeed the metformin patient. i hope she heard me though. someone needs to tell her that.

last night my parents were hanging out with close friends of theirs. apparently one of them takes 3 somas, 2 valiums, and an ambien to fall asleep at night. and even that doesn't always work. i told my parents that one day their friend wasn't going to wake up.

and that's about it!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

attack of the streptococcus bacteria

the humidifier runs quietly in the background. the smell of vicks vapo-rub permeates the room.

they are coming.

they come on silent wings, flying swiftly, taking aim at their target. and then they land.

unbeknowest to them, the target has taken precautions. the army lines up, ready for battle.

the two sides take a brief pause to size each other up.

and then the war begins.

the bacteriophages are far outnumbered, but they have a secret weapon.

fight! fight little azithromycin molecules! fight because the life of your host depends on it! this is your calling! this is what you were made for! do not fail me!

and so the battle rages on. be continued.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

i'm going down swinging

well, it finally happened. those nasty little germs that have been flying past me left and right for the past 2 months finally hit their target.

i'm sick.

and it sucks. every year for the past 3 or 4 years, i've come home from a spring break vacation only to find myself staring an illness in the face. at least this is better than the year i had to get the lithotripsy to break up Giganto the Kidney Stone. still, having to work three 9-hour days in a row is sounding pretty nasty.

sigh. hopefully my little cough medicine knights will put up a good fight and slay the evil bacteria dragons asap.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

learn what your name means day

march 5th is also saint piran's day. if you're lame and don't know who saint piran IS (like myself), he is the patron saint of tin-miners, and also cornwall. so all you cornish tin-miners go ahead and take the day off. i wonder if there's a patron saint for irish/norwegian/english pharmacy technicians? hmmm...

yay for wikipedia! however often it may contain inaccurate facts, it is always there for me when i need to find obscure and random things.

there IS a patron saint for pharmacists. i give you SAINTS COSMAS AND DAMIAN! according to wikipedia, here's there sad story:

"During the persecution under Diocletian, Cosmas and Damian were arrested by order of the Prefect of Cilicia, one Lysias who is otherwise unknown, who ordered them under torture to recant. However, according to legend they stayed true to their faith, enduring a series of gruesome tortures that did not harm them, and finally suffered execution by beheading. Anthimus, Leontius and Euprepius, their younger brothers, who were inseparable from them throughout life, shared in their martyrdom.
Their most famous miraculous exploit was the grafting of a leg from a recently deceased Ethiopian to replace a patient's ulcered leg, and was the subject of many paintings and illuminations."

you know, all in all, it's not much different from the daily lives of many pharmacists. "under torture to recant" can be compared to "being yelled at for charging a different copay than last month when really it's the same." the gruesome, but harmless, tortures, sounds very much like staying on hold for a half an hour with an insurance company so some newbie insurance agent can figure out what an ID number is. beheading? oh, there are definitely days when i'm afraid some of those middle-aged women will cut my head off if they don't get there hormone replacement therapy ASAP.

so here's to you cosmas and damian. little known and probably underappreciated in the saint world, but you paved the way for suffering pharmacy staff!