oh come on all you fashion designers. for the love of all that is good in the world (namely stilletos and ballet flats), you people pick the next big trend to be GLADIATOR SANDALS? no one has ever looked or will ever look good in those things. not even gladiators looked that good. steve madden... i have never been so disappointed in you. and that's including the awful knock-off ugg boots you made. my sister once upon a time had gladiator sandals in the 1980s, which means they were passed on to me and i was forced to wear them in the 1990s. they were awful then, they are awful now. they're not sleek, they're not feminine, they're not cute, they're not even practical. they're just an abomination to humanity. perhaps if i start blaming global warming on them, it will be even more uncool to wear them and they can be wiped from the face of the earth.
seriously steve. try not to come up with designs while completely plastered next time, m'kay?
1 comment:
I have officially abandoned Steve, Steven, Steve Madden & Madden Girl.
Seriously, what in the hell happened to the fashion industry?!
A common "trendy" outfit now consists of tight spandex cut offs with lace at the bottom, a neon pink halter with graffiti plastered across the chest, bright plastic jewelry, and GLADIATOR SANDALS. Seriously?!
WHAT WERE THEY THINKING?! Were they even thinking?! What is wrong with the upcoming generation?!
I'm having a personal crisis here. What happened to elegant classy outfits?
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