Wednesday, May 7, 2008

one week down....

well i'm back to working full time again, now that school is out. it's been kind of insanse, actually. i forgot how draining working 3 9-hour shifts in a row can be. here's what's been going on at work:
the pharmacy was broken into last thursday morning, at around 1 a.m. we have surveillance tape of the robbery, but we can't tell who it is, as the person is wearing a mask. we know that they have been in the pharmacy at least once, however, as they went directly to the shelf that had oxycontin. luckily we have a gate and they couldn't climb over the back. however, they started randomly pulling ready prescriptions out of the bins and stuffing them in to a bag. they mostly got away with just compound hormone replacement therapy, but they also got a klonopin and a valium, as well as some pretty expensive non-controlled drugs. everything's back to normal now. we do have our suspicions on who we think it is, but no solid proof. so it looks like we'll just eat our losses and continue on.
there haven't been any extremely crazy patients lately. just a lot of picky ones. today in particular. especially with duragesic patches, it seems. one person wanted 2 boxes of one brand and one box of another. another lady's insurance wasn't paying us enough for one brand so we tried to substitute it for another, cheaper brand, and she freaked out. yet another lady told me i gave her the wrong lamictal, although i verified that we really did give her the strength the doctor ordered. she still didn't believe me and is going to see her doctor tomorrow and ask him about this.
apparently insurance companies hate lovenox just as much as i hate trying to make them pay for it. one man's copay came back as well over $500 for 3 boxes of it. another lady's insurance is raking us, her, and the doctor's office over the coals to try and get the prior auth done. the nurse told us the patient may just have to pay out of pocket. except i'm pretty sure her only income is her social security check, so i have no idea how that is supposed to work.
i love when people call me who already have a thick accent, then they have a lot of background noise, so their yelling at me. especially when i'm trying to get their information down so we can properly fill their medication and don't end up killing them. okay, so maybe that's an exaggeration. getting the wrong address won't kill you. but getting the wrong drug allergies might. regardless, it's still annoying. i'm not saying speak english flawlessly. i'm just saying, if you know you have an accent, try to go somewhere quieter and speak in a normal register so you don't have to repeat everything 20 times.
i also love when girls who are my age come in to get prescriptions filled and are obviously trying to look like they're still in junior high. not that i'm old by any means. i've just matured enough to the point where i know it's not okay to where a whole thing of glitter on your face. it wasn't even okay in junior high, but for some reason we thought we were hot.
stupid man at the gym is driving me insane. every time i go there, he asks me "your membership is up for renewal, can i do that for you now?" i've told him repeatedly that i might not be in this state next year, depending on pharmacy schools, so no, you cannot renew my membership until i know what i'm doing. and that won't be for a while, friend.
i think my brain shuts off once school is out. i mixed up 2 patients yesterday. it wasn't a big deal, no drug mix ups or anything. just told one person they were getting something delivered when they really weren't. luckily they were very nice about the whole misunderstanding. i also forgot to get a dr.'s DEA# about 5 times today while calling on the above lovenox PA. it was basically one of those days where you just want to throw in the towel and go lie down for a bit. we weren't even really that busy. i guess i was just having an off day.
the oxycontin filling has been pretty average this week. no crazy addicts to tell you about. they're my favorites. you always need at least one completely insane person each day to give you something to laugh about and get you through the day.
we did have one guy call us saturday who was speaking to my pharmacist and was very worried that we had given him morphine instead of his roxicodone "or roxicets, as they're known on the streets, in case you didn't know. that's a nickname for them." really. i totally wouldn't have known that. thank you for enlightening me with your druggie knowledge. i did open up the first bottle of oxycontin 15's this week. it actually made me kind of sad. pretty soon it's going to be like baskin robbins. "31 flavors of oxycontin!"
well, those are my exciting experiences for the week. pretty soon i'm starting summer classes, so we'll see how often i'm able to get on here and write.


Anonymous said...


I love reading your rants about crazy patients!
It just makes me laugh.
At leaste you only have to be involved with them for short intervals, not them, their whole family, lovers, kids, and everything in between for 13 hours straight.
As much as I love being a student nurse and CNA, I tell you, some people are just flat out crazy. Then you meet thier family and everything starts to make sence.

lady redundant woman said...

i'm glad it makes you laugh. :)
and i think either myself or the patients would be dead if i were that involved in their lives. although some of them do like to drag you in to their family drama.

MrHunnybun said...

You have Oxycontin in 15mg? Where the US leads we will surely follow. Out of interest what other strengths do you have?

lady redundant woman said...

i think the better question is what strengths DON'T we have.

we now have it in a 10, 15, 20, 30, 40, 60, and 80 mg. we don't stock the 5 or 160 mg, but they are available. they make a nice rainbow when they're all lined up.

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!