Friday, June 6, 2008

sometimes doctors are retarded

and sometimes they are amazing. i've dealt with a little of both today.

i went to a new general practitioner today as i've had some doubts about mine ever since she diagnosed me with prediabetes after only running one set of tests. bascially our conversation went like this:
me: my periods really suck. i don't know why.
md: well, i think your sister has pcos, so you probably have it too. and so you're probably prediabetic. let's draw your blood.
i was never told to go in fasting to that appointment, so what she thought was a fasting glucose level actually was not. now i can understand that seeing a "fasting" of 115-120 would be alarming. however, she also ran an a1c test, which i think she chose to ignore after having the following conv. with her nurse at a prediabetes clinic:
me: umm, my a1c is 5.1%. is that just okay?
nurse: whoa, no, actually that's great. keep doing what you're doing!
those test results were from october. i talked to the nurse in april. for 7 months i was on four 500 mg XR metformin once a day. when i finally got those original test results i brought them into the pharmacy and discussed with one of the pharmacists whether or not i should continue taking the metformin. we decided that i should try to go off of it and keep testing my blood sugars to see what would happen. guess what? there was little to no change.
so today when i went to see the new doctor, i brought in my old test results with my little notebook of all my blood sugars written down. as i was telling him all of this, he kind of gave me a weird look when i told him i had an a1c of 5.1% and almost freaked out when i told him about my metformin dosage. i am glad to say that i have been officially taken off of it and will continue with lifestyle changes for the next 6 months when i will be retested and we will see where i stand. yay for competent doctors!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree with this subject line more.... seriously.