Sunday, August 10, 2008

why anda is the best wholesaler in the world

a.k.a. "i am shallow and you can buy my loyalty." (to be followed by an entry titled "i love our benicar rep.")

1. next day delivery, including saturdays.
2. unlike cardinal, they always manage to correctly print their stickers.
3. also unlike cardinal, they actually remember to GIVE you your stickers.
4. their crazy packing makes me laugh (one box and 3 of those air-puff packs for one bottle of budeprion?)
5. our anda rep ROCKS. she called me back last night approximately 30 seconds after i finished leaving a message. she knew my voice when i answered the phone and didn't even bother with formalities, just jumped right in and started answering my question. she's extremely friendly and is so helpful.
6. that handy anda scanning machine. no entering item numbers to order stuff!
7. free stuffed pandas in our orders!
8. the fact that they carry oxycontin cr generic again.
9. they told me yasmin was going generic about a month before it actually was available. i checked andanet every freaking day for a MONTH. i practically cried with joy when i saw it was available to order.
10. the super nice rep at the ce conference. she was handing out free pandas!
11. they gave me a free ipod! technically i won it at the ce conference, but i secretly think the rep rigged it in my favor because i chatted her up.

proof that you CAN buy my love: i'm going to check every generic we get on monday and see if we can get it even a penny cheaper through anda (most likely), at which point i will then order 10 of EVERYTHING! not really. but i do <3 anda. i wish they would carry brand name stuff too. then i would never ever have to deal with stupid cardinal ever ever again.


Anonymous said...

My name is Kim Adam and i would like to show you my personal experience with Oxycontin.

I have taken for 3 years. I am 23 years old. I think it is the best pain killer there is. Although it's coming very abused, I think that it is a very powerful reliever and that more doctors should look into it for pain relief.

I have experienced some of these side effects-
mild dependency and constipation

I hope this information will be useful to others,
Kim Adam

lady redundant woman said...

"mild" dependency? needing to be on a pain killer for three years no longer qualifies as "mild." and i think oxycontin should not be prescribed by ANY doctor unless they work specifically with long-term pain patients and first go through special training programs. that "information" is not useful to anyone.