Friday, May 30, 2008

way to be a friend

sometimes i think i'm still in junior high. tonight is one of those times.

i love how you can be friends with someone since before forever. yet when newer and supposedly "cooler" people come along, they push you aside like yesterday's garbage. and just what makes these people so cool? just because they'll drink and party and make you feel good about your bad and stupid decisions? whereas i probably wouldn't let you get yourself into trouble and would prevent you from being a total idiot, just because i care about you. i love how you only invited me to hang out with them once and proceeded to ignore me the entire time. way to be a true friend. after that, i never received another invitation. not that i would accept anyway. i prefer to hang out with people who have a collective iq that is higher than 2. way to pick friends who only care about their looks, drinking, and partying as much as possible. we'll see who your true friends are soon enough. who will still be there when you get married? when you have your first kid? when you have your first grandchild? i'm guessing not them, self-absorbed as they are. but me, who you treat like crap on the bottom of your shoe, who you ignore, will always be there, when you're ready to come to your senses. guess what? as soon as you start to settle down, go to the bars and clubs less, you'll stop being cool to them. they'll move on without you. i'll be here though. just like always. little reliable laura. always there when you're in a pickle. always run to me when life sucks, then ditch me when it gets good again. fine by me. it's the role i've chosen. but keep it up and sometime soon you'll find yourself falling flat on your face without me there to pick you up again. then you'll see how it feels to be abandoned.

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