Saturday, June 25, 2011

Congrats New York!

The news came in a little less than 4 hours ago: New York has made same sex marriage legal! My twitter feed has been blowing up with tweets about this historic night, as has my facebook page...for the most part.
While I rejoice to know that we are slowly but surely progressing to a more equal society, I'm also appalled by the blatant refusal to even acknowledge what has happened by many of my acquaintances. I see this sort of behavior far too often for my comfort. It comes from living in one of the most conservative areas in the nation. What irritates me even more is people that belong to the same religion I do and who use that religion as a basis for their prejudices. My religion, in fact, condemns those who judge others. I was taught to love and accept everyone and to let everyone have their own beliefs, even if I might not agree. I don't want anyone forcing their beliefs on me, who am I to do it to another human being?
Congratulations, again, New York. Let's hope the other 44 states catch up soon.
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