Monday, June 6, 2011

pregnant tech

dear pregnant tech,
thank you oh so much for leaving early on friday. i absolutely LOVED staying until 9 p.m. taking care of everything you didn't get done.  you're absolutely right, by the way.  you should go home if you're feeling cranky.  we only want little balls of sunshine working at the pharmacy.  no one else here ever gets cranky and we certainly don't expect you to suck it up.  no, rather you should go home because you're pregnant and special.  i mean, i DID ask you to get knocked up.  and it's not fair to compare you to the pharmacist who is farther along in her pregnancy and who stands on her feet 10 hours every day.  no, if you can't handle 6 hours, you should definitely go home.  oh, and thanks for the text you sent me friday night but there was nothing to apologize for.  you obviously felt like you were in the right to leave so why apologize?  really though, i LOVE spending my friday nights at the pharmacy.
sincerely yours,
the intern
p.s. pharmacist told me you asked her if i would ever forgive you.  what a silly question.  of course i won't.

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